Punk Head

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Miguel Dias On the Making Of “What You're Feeling About Me”

What was the creative process like for this particular single?

I’ve always loved synths. While my main instrument is the guitar, I find myself more drawn to vintage synths and unique, experimental sounds. For this single, I wanted to create something with a danceable vibe while also maintaining a darker feel, incorporating synth waves. I had already written the entire song but struggled to find a chorus that satisfied me. Then, one day, while jamming at a friend's house, the chorus melody just came to me, and that was it. The songwriting for this track was different from my usual process.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this single?

I remember struggling to find the right bassline. I kept trying different bass lines and “borrowing” grooves from existing songs, but nothing seemed to fit with the song's structure. One day, while jamming with the guitar, I thought, “I really like this guitar line—why not try it on bass?” And, voilà, it fits perfectly!

How do you feel "What You're Feeling About Me" represents your artistic identity?

To be honest, this song is a bit of a departure from my usual style. It’s probably the most “commercial” and “pop” song I’ve released. Still, I do see myself in it, especially in the groovy blend of synths, bass, and guitars. However, I usually lean toward a more mellow, darker sound.

Can you tell us more about yourself as an artist?

That's a tough question—I find it hard to describe myself. Music is my passion and a way of life for me. I’m always creating music on the fly, without using references. In the studio, I tend to come up with different chord progressions or sounds that evoke a feeling in me, and I try to write or sing what I feel in that moment. I always write about what I’m experiencing, without thinking about target audiences or any commercial considerations.

How would you describe your musical style or genre?

This album was a journey of discovery. I would describe it as a mix of Alternative RnB and alternative pop. I love hip-hop beats, jazz lines, RnB vocals, and catchy pop melodies, so my style is a blend of all these elements.

