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Artist Spotlight: Meet Wotts

Is there a person/event that stimulated the creation of "ALLO!?"

I’d say it was a combination of lived experiences that brought it to life. Over the years we’ve made a lot of songs that focused on heartbreak, but we never talked about the good stuff that can come before it. With “ALLO!”, we really tried to capture the beauty and energy that comes with falling in love with somebody.

How does "ALLO!" fit into your overall artistic vision and what can listeners expect from you in the future?

I’d say it’s a bit of a return to our roots. When we first started making music we were pretty much a synth pop outfit, but over the last year we started to play around with guitar and piano more. So I guess it’s a bit of a full circle moment for us. “ALLO!” is the first single from our upcoming EP (PETALS), so people can expect to hear the whole thing pretty soon!

What has been one of your favorite memories along the path to making "ALLO!?"

I think my favourite memory was something that ironically never made it into the final version of the song. If you listen to the track, there are two guitar solo parts. Originally those were saxophone solos, and they actually sounded super tight. At the time we never used horns on a song, so even if it didn’t end up in the final version, it’s a cool reminder that we’re open to throwing all kinds of ideas out there. And sure enough on the next track we did, there were horns.

What has been the most memorable experience or achievement in your music career so far?

A couple years ago I probably would’ve said playing festival shows, but it’s been cool seeing our music getting played all over the world. Some people even message us saying how much our music means to them. It might not be flashy, but that kind of stuff keeps us going.

How do you balance the artistic aspects of your music with the business side of the industry?

We’re probably guilty of leaning too much into the artistic side of things. We play the game as much as our stomachs will allow and just cross our fingers that a new ear will hop on the train every now and then. We also know to block 99% of the companies that reach out to us with some kind of offer to “help you grow”. At the end of the day, our bubble might be small but we’re happy where we’re at.


