Punk Head

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Mario Vayne On the Making Of “BABY”

Can you share any interesting or unique stories or perspectives in "BABY?"

The song BABY was inspired by a text message exchange. You meet someone for the first time, and that first text the next morning when you’re not sure what to say. Whether or not they feel the same way, that funny awkwardness of whether you’re saying too much or not saying enough and you start second-guessing everything. My song inspiration can come in wild and unexpected ways !!

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "BABY?"

I was at the studio preparing to sing my vocals for “BABY,” and this tray rocks up with a plethora of different types of teas, like lemon tea, lime tea, Peppermint tea, all these different types of herbie teas.
And I thought nah nah just give me a couple of black coffees with 3 sugars. Then they asked if I needed to do some yoga or breathing work or scales to prepare,…which isn’t my thing so I was totally ready to just sing…thought this was going to go really good or really bad…turned out pretty good…of course, this had a lot to do with the chemistry that was created between Producer and Artist…bit like the perfect espresso lol

What has been one of your favorite memories along the path to making this single?

It starts at the writing stage through to the recording stage, and then to the final mix. It is the little journey that all artists love the most, to hear their creations come to life. I believe each song has its own inspiration and own journey and that’s what makes each song so unique.

Who are your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your vocal style?

My singing influencers are Robin Zander, Lou Gramm, John Waite, Paul Stanley, Steve Perry, and Paul Rodgers. Mostly the 70s singers have shaped my vocal style with their soulful and melodic voices

How has your music evolved since you started as a singer-songwriter? What have been some key milestones in your artistic journey?

My journey started as an 11-year-old, writing his first song, and I guess going through a lot of hard times and all my life experiences, have shaped who I am and inspired me in turn to become the songwriter I am today.


