Leah Martin-Brown On the Making Of “Boys”

We see you have worked with Mutt Lange. What was your creative process in making "Boys?"

Having the opportunity to work with legends like Mutt Lange and Tony Nilsson was literally a childhood dream come true.

I was presented with the opportunity to initially front a 12 song album, which included “Boys.” Now that has been finalised, I have the opportunity to co-write with Mutt & Tony on the new album and it’s pretty insane!

”Boys” started out as a poppier track, we worked to get heavier guitars, pull out some more of the pop elements and move it towards something that was closer to who I was as an Artist. A truly mindblowing (and very humbling!) experience!

Were there any challenges or obstacles you faced while creating "Boys?"

Definitely the vocal style! I am rooted deeply in the rock style of singing and incorporate some blues elements. In the studio I had to really work to change a lot of habits I had to make this track pop! I definitely became a better singer from this whole experience!

How does this single fit into your overall artistic vision and what can listeners expect from you in the future?

”Boys” is a fantastic introduction to the upcoming album. It is rock-pop fusion and that will stay true for the rest of the tunes.

We have some that are a bit more rock leaning and some that have slightly more pop sensibilities. This one is a great one to kinda win both sides over if that makes sense?

What is your songwriting process like? How do you usually start crafting a new song?

When I write music it can happen a few different ways. I play guitar so sometimes I'll jam out a chord progression acoustically and add lyrics and melody as I go. Other times I will write poems that I bring into the studio with whoever I'm working with and make them fit what we have OR I walk into sessions completely cold and just go with what moves me on the day. It honestly depends.

How do you continuously grow and evolve as an artist?

I love to collaborate with others and always challenge myself to try new things- even if the idea scares me!

When I was first presented with this opportunity (for example) the fact that the first batch of songs were pretty much ready to go really challenged my ego and made me step back and evaluate myself as an Artist. From that experience, I have only grown more and it has opened me up to a completely new way of vocalising and collaborating.

Just always experimenting I think.





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