Kully Bath On the Making Of ‘Rising Tides EP’

What was the creative process like for this particular 'Rising Tides EP?'

All of my songs reflect key moments in life. From a young age, I have always loved singing and songwriting. The creative process of each song is underpinned by deep emotions from the chapters of life, my observations of nature and the seasons. I found this combination created great depth to each song.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for 'Rising Tides EP?'

Key breakthrough moments was the title, after finishing all of the songs, I listened to them carefully and named the album ‘Rising Tides.’ In my heart, this title felt right and each song describes the Rising Tides of life. Another breakthrough was keeping the songs authentic as each of the lyrics are underpinned by a story which is relatable to many other people.

What has been one of your most favorite memories along the path to making 'Rising Tides EP?'

The most favourite memories for me and I still feel like this now is the realisation of how bold I have been in creating Rising Tides. The acknowledgment of how each song is so brave and courageous. Most of all the biggest epiphany moment is that my songs have the potential to help people. For me, ‘Rising Tides’ is literally transforming heartbreak to purpose and helping others through my music means everything to me. It is such a huge previlege to realise and now after all these years understand my true soul purpose.

How do you balance crafting relatable stories with maintaining your unique voice as a songwriter?

Grief is an infinite emotion and many throughout their lives will face some form of trauma, this is why I feel my songwriting and singing relates to the journey of others. I feel the lyrics deeply when I sing. They key to balancing relatable stories and maintaining a unique voice as a songwriter is not to try to hard but remain open with your heart and mind. Most of all to feel every lyric and sing from my heart enables me to maintain a unique tone in my voice. One keen listener of my music described my voice as "transcending". Such a humble feeling to hear this feedback.

Is there a specific song that holds a particularly special meaning to you? Can you share the story behind it?

God's Calling, has huge signficance to me and this song is a special forever tribute to my mother who is my first bestie and passed away last year. This song describes the emotions I felt when holding that moment and helping such an incredible woman who I had the honour of calling my mum, transition to the other side. I dedicate ‘Rising Tides’ to my mum. As you rest in heaven ma, on earth, I am inspired by you every single day.





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