Joe & The Anchor On the Making Of “Nothing Without You”

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind "Nothing Without You" and the story it tells?

The story behind “Nothing Without You” is basically that I was going through a post breakup period and really missed this person and the times we’d shared, and then the lyrics just wrote themselves.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "Nothing Without You?"

It started out as a quite fleshed out demo from Joe with a kind of 90's sound to it. And then Sam Petter took the production to a whole new level, the band did their thing and woila! A banger was born!

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

Definitely the feeling of playing together again. At this time we hadn’t seen each other for months almost because of the pandemic, so when it was finally over we recorded the video and it just felt great to be back together!

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

Music is what brought us together, but at the end of the day, we’re not just a band - we’re friends. Joe and Viktor met already in preschool and played in different band all through their teenage years. As a group, we regularly check in with each other to talk about how we’re feeling and where we’re at in life. That’s how we make it through life together, by always being open with each other and supporting one another through the ups and downs.

Can you share a standout moment from one of your live performances that you'll never forget?

One of our first big international shows was playing InMusic Festival in Zagreb, Croatia. After 24 hours of bus rides and ferries through Europe, we set up camp in tents while rain poured over us all night. We set up custom made posters all over the festival area to bring people to our show, and ended up with a big crowd of people. Their response was amazing, and that show is a fond memory to this day!





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