Grim Logick On the Making Of “Vital (The Wheel)”
What was the creative process like for this particular song?
Challenging, to say the least. I had a portion of it recorded with both AirPods, then after the crash, I only had one. Bluetooth recording presents terrible latency, plus a newly implemented mono recording for the last verse? Then nothing to hear well with for the final mix. It was a nightmare, but, I personally think it was well worth the hassle.
What did you enjoy most about making "Vital (The Wheel)?"
I enjoyed deviating from my typical multi-syllable, intricate, “fill-every-syllable”, fast paced music. It gave me a chance to explore a new music style. It was a lot of fun.
How does this song fit into your overall artistic vision and what can listeners expect from you in the future?
My vision remains the same, as it always has. This is a creative outlet I’m choosing to express to hopefully convey the message of overcoming adversity and finding purpose within self despite the obstacles of the world we all face. A meaning in life.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?
I was a kid who was drawn to Edgar Allen Poe’s ability to express his pain, and thought process with morbid wordplay, that somehow resonated with millions and immortalized him using a rhyme scheme and a pen. I tried poetry, and got a lot of hate for it. So, in order to maintain the vision, I sped the words up and spit them on a beat. The response I got from listeners was vastly different from the former. So, the latter became a metaphorical ladder, and I just haven’t stopped climbing it.
Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?
I am Grim Logick, this is 3NIGMA BRED MUSIC, and those of you out there who feel unheard, or unseen? Just know. We are here. You are not alone. There is a way to express yourself positively, and there are opportunities over the horizon if you create the silver lining for yourself. Do not wait for a chance, make one. We support you, and we will continue to represent you no matter what the mainstream media prefers, or what society demands. Even if it results in our own detriment.