Gia Valentine On the Making Of “EMPRESS”

How did everything come together?

The idea of “empress” came about after stepping into my power in life. I spent a lot of time dwindling on situations of the past, and this would only hold me back. However, with my new mindset, I feel capable of all that life throws at me. I have unleashed a fearless persona that is unapologetically myself. “Empress” is a Pandora’s box type song that UNLEASHES me in a new era as an artist. I plan on releasing one more single in late August/early September. Then the UNLEASHED EP in October.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "EMPRESS?"

Throughout the recording sessions, I kept surprising myself, because I wanted to take it THERE. The song had to be subtly aggressive, heavy on the sexyness, and most importantly original. This song was probably one of my favorite songs I've recorded so far.

What did you enjoy most about making "EMPRESS?"

The thing I enjoyed the most about making “empress” come to life was how empowered I felt while recording. It felt like one big self-confidence boost that never will go away. I’m very thankful for that.

How do you approach the process of creating a new song or melody?

Lots and lots of brainstorming and mapping out what exactly I want to express to my audience, through my voice. It’s my greatest gift so I try to come up with different ways to creatively show that. I also don’t want my listeners to get bored so I enjoy keeping everyone on their toes.

How do you seek opportunities for personal and artistic growth in your musical journey?

I'm very thankful to have the opportunity for growth within my music career, I credit some of my new artistic growth to two special people in my life. These two have helped me express myself more creatively and authentically and because of that I am filled with gratitude.

“Thank you Lily and Slater, your authenticity and talents have inspired me to fully show my pure potential in music and personal style and that is something I’ll always remember as sacred.”

Networking has been very important, I’m working on my stage debut and have been doing a lot of training. I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I'm ready to bring the valentine experience to life on a stage. My first performance has to be grande and sexy, and that it will be.







5 Q&A With In The Afterglow