Punk Head

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Feature: Zarooni Decodes “Now & Never”

What inspired you to write the lyrics/music for "Now & Never?"

What inspired “Now & Never” is actually the song title! I was speaking to a friend who suggested " Now & Never " as a title and I just happened to naturally write the melody and tune for it. It's a short and sweet love song :).

How did you work with the producer or engineers to bring your vision for "Now & Never" to life?

The song directed itself! This song came together in a pretty straightforward way. I had the guitar chords and melody written and during a jam session with my musicians each member naturally wrote their patterns ( drums, guitars, keyboards, and bass ) and I took it to the studios in North London where I produce and record all my music and just laid it out.

Can you describe the emotions or feelings you hope this single evokes in listeners?

“Now & Never” is a youthful dreamy rock love song. I believe it's a catchy track with summery vibes. It's a song that I feel is bright and sunny :).

What is your songwriting process like? How do you usually start crafting a new song?

My songwriting process normally starts very naturally and can happen at anytime and day. My guitar has to be with me when I do write my music at all times but it's spontaneous. I write the melody and chords and then draft lyrics. I record what I write using my phone and if I am happy with it I take it for production and begin recording and producing it.

Can you recall a particular moment, artist, or experience that had a significant influence on your music?

My music is inspired by several artists and bands such as Alt-J, Vampire Weekend, The Weeknd, Coldplay, Radiohead, Air...: too many to mention but I try to develop my own sound with different elements from my Influences.


