Feature: Vincent Krennerich Decodes “Sommerregen”

Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in "Sommerregen?"

Both the chord progression and melody of the song are warm, relaxed, and nostalgic. In the overall context of the song, the drums serve as the musical counterpoint. They are the driving and fresh element of 'summer rain'.

How do you feel "Sommerregen" represents your artistic identity?

In my music, it's not about the artist or artistic identity, but primarily about the art itself. “Sommerregen” represents an atmospheric projection surface, a sparsely painted canvas that every listener can use to paint their very own experiences and interpretations on.

What has been one of your most favorite memories along the path to making "Sommerregen?"

“Sommerregen” is the German word for 'summer rain.' The entire production process as well as the finished song are, for me, a significant reminder of the warm-nostalgic feeling that fresh summer rain can evoke.

Can you share an example of a composition where you aimed to evoke a particular emotion?

The piano solo at the end of “Sommerregen” is intentionally kept ambivalent to provide additional room for interpretation within the previously established cozy-nostalgic atmosphere.

Can you introduce yourself and share a bit about your journey into music production? How did you become a producer?

I'm just a guy who enjoys writing songs, producing, and creating new things. In that sense, I prefer to let the music speak for itself and don't like to talk much about myself because I feel that self-promotion takes the focus away from what it's really about: art.




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