Feature: The Anomaly Decodes “Get Me Out Of Here”

What is the creative process like?

Writing is the most fun part of the process. That’s when I have a blank canvas so to speak and I can explore whatever I want musically and lyrically. That’s part of being an independent artist that I love, having full creative control. And I’m looking forward to collaborating with artists whose music excites me.

Once the writing is done the recording flows out. The parts almost write themselves. I try not to think too much and just let the music be. I do the vast majority of my composing on the guitar, particularly on this song (and the record). And then comes the boring bit for me and that’s mixing! LOL. Hours of listening to the music over and over again until it’s right. But I try to be as creative as I can be during mixing as well. I mix like a songwriter if that makes sense, always thinking about composition and how I can use mixing tools to develop the song or take it in a certain direction. And I always give my final mixes to a masterer so I have another pair of ears to give an objective perspective. That’s really important because perspective is easy to lose when it’s just you writing, recording and mixing everything.

I do all my work from my home studio in London.

Were there any challenges or obstacles you faced while creating "Get Me Out Of Here?"

Not really. It’s just that opening riff is identical to ‘God Save The Queen’ by the Sex Pistols LOL! I tried messing around and changing it so it’s not the same but it just sounded better as it was! So I kept it the same. Hopefully, no one sues 😂

Once I’d written the chords and melody the structure was easy to figure out. The main thing was expressing my frustration in a relatable way and I think I managed to do that.

Can you describe the emotions or feelings you hope "Get Me Out Of Here" evokes in listeners?

Inspiration to get out of shitty situations hopefully. For me, in this song, it’s a dead-end job, but it could be anything. A toxic relationship, a crappy house party you wish you hadn’t said yes to, a boring film in the cinema. Anything really!

The song is me expressing my frustration but it’s supposed to be empowering. To inspire people to do something about it. Taking back your control basically.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

I used to spend a lot of time in my early teens at my cousins’ house a few doors down the road, they’re 3 brothers. And one day the cousin who’s roughly my age started learning guitar. So I’d see his nylon string Spanish guitar there whenever I went around, I’d always been fascinated by guitar players as a kid. I’d be that kid with his mouth wide open in astonishment while the guitar player hired at kids parties would entertain us all!

Anyway, my cousin taught me what he learnt one day and that was it. I was obsessed from that day on. As soon as I learnt my first 2 chords I started writing and recording songs with whatever equipment I had. Back then it was a portable Panasonic cassette deck/radio that had a tiny mic to record!

Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you are particularly excited about?

Yes, my album which is out later this year! I’m releasing one track every month, second one is out on 19 February. And near the end of the year, I’ll have the full album out. The album is an eclectic blend of rock music that melds together the various strands of the genre from punk to psychedelic and everything in between. It’s totally epic! There’s not another song on it like “Get Me Out Of Here,” they’re all so different.





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