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Feature: Soulganic Decodes “Family Ties”

Credit: Soulganic: (l-r) Ryan McKeithan, Anthony Rodriguez, Cory McClure | Photo by Brian Twitty

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What was the creative process like for this particular track?

This song started as an abstract idea, and we created it impromptu in the studio in one session as we tracked our new album. Then, as we listened, we felt it needed a little extra something and that's when we called on our good friend Stan to add his trumpet work.

How does "Family Ties" fit into your overall artistic vision and what can listeners expect from you in the future?

We wanted “Family Ties” to capture the essence of our musical journey, and the musical journey of humanity itself, looking back to the dawn of rhythm and self-expression. Our collaboration with Stan brought an incredible energy and authenticity to the track. We feel it's a perfect introduction to the sound and spirit of our next album, Phosphene.

What did you enjoy most about making "Family Ties?"

The feeling of camaraderie, expression, and unity. We feel we tapped into the creative essence of the universe and were the conduit for something genuine and moving.

Can you tell us more about you as a trio?

We are an independent Funky Indie Soul trio based in Charlotte, NC, USA. We're known for our unique blend of soul, jazz, and funk, and have been creating and performing together since 2005. We continue to explore and innovate while paying homage to those who have come before, creating a diverse and dynamic listening experience that celebrates the connective power of music. We believe in peace and love.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

We're big into seeing the unseen, whether of life, love, spirituality, psychology. That tends to come through in our lyrics. Musically, we're connected and have a language only we know. When we play together, we're vibing on the same wavelength, and think that harmony bleeds through in the music.


