Feature: Sometimes Julie Decodes ‘Seven Wishes’

What was the creative process like for this particular 'Seven Wishes?'

Spontaneous and thoughtful and intentional and emotional all at the same time! Four of the songs, Rick and I worked on over the past few years. Three of them, though, came together in just the last couple of months.

Regardless of the creative process for a particular song, I always find it exhilarating. We start out with just a speck of an idea, develop that idea through several iterations, and wind up with a finished composition that we record and release to the public.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in the songs included in 'Seven Wishes?'

Each song represents an individual wish. The first song on the album is a wish to just let go and be uninhibited – wild. The last song is wistful and a wish to see someone again who has been lost to us. All seven wishes are pretty intense and part of my daily life.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for 'Seven Wishes?’

I loved working with our amazing co-producer, Andy Machin of Bigrock Studios. I also enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with some extraordinarily talented and well-known local musicians in San Diego, including Laura Chavez, Roger Friend, and Larry Grano, as well as up-and-comers Clair Allison and Yvonne Fuller. And the four songs we recorded with our long-time bandmates Anthony Sarain, Bruce Paul Allen, and Dave Fuller at Pacific Beat Recording certainly stand out. Alan Sanderson, Pacific Beat’s owner and engineer, has created a vibe there that is always so chill and nurturing.

So the best part of the project was that we got to work with all of these super cool, talented people. Each person who contributed to ‘Seven Wishes’ made the process special and memorable.

Can you tell us more about you as a duo?

Rick and I have been working together for over 10 years now. We love each other and bring the best out of each other. We could not do this alone. We bounce ideas around every day.

I know, or at least hope, that we will have many more years together to continue our great partnership and musical adventure.

Have you collaborated with other songwriters or musicians? How does the collaborative process enhance your creativity?

We have collaborated with Andy Machin and Bruce Paul Allen in the writing process for our previous albums. It is so amazing to share the experience of composing with others. You get a different flavor, a different perspective.

I most enjoy collaborating with Rick, though. We both share a strong commitment to the authenticity of the song. Even if we don’t always initially agree initially on direction or on some of the details, I am always confident that we will end up with a finished product that we both love. Because we both agree on this – even if our opinions may differ initially, we respect that a song has its own opinion. And the song always wins.





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