Feature: Sabastianlax Decodes “INVINCIBLE”

How does this "INVINCIBLE" reflect your musical journey and growth as an artist?

It's an interesting song to look back on because I've lived with it for so long. The sound was extremely different from anything I had done up until that point, and I didn't know what I was doing. My manager at the time was pushing for a "club record" and that didn't feel like me so I looked at songs and performances that genuinely made me excited and used that as a place to start. The sound that came out of it was something I'd been unknowingly developing since I started and am so proud of it. It helped me find out who I wanted to be musically.

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "INVINCIBLE?"

I found the beat first then, I listened to a live performance of STARGAZING by Travis Scott over and over again, just to really understand why it made me feel as hyped as it did. I figured if a studio recording could make me feel even a fraction of the energy I felt from that the song would be good.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "INVINCIBLE?"

The recording was a lot more abstract. I was trying to find a way to bring this new idea to life. I'd never done anything like it before so there were lots of YouTube videos and trial and error just messing around in logic getting everything to sound just how I imagined it in my head. This was also the first time I really produced it took a lot of patience but I felt like I was too close to what I wanted so I couldn't stop.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

There wasn't a specific moment where I was like this is it. this is what I wanna do but it's something that's always brought me joy and I'm super competitive so I like to be really good at whatever it is I'm doing music was no exception. I taught myself how to use logic, freestyled with my friends, built a setup, and got really familiar with it. I also hated my job at the time so I figured if I could make money from it why not give it a shot?

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

There isn't a real process there may be things I want to have in place it's never essential before I go record. I like to have a beat, a concept, and if possible a hook. However, idk when or if I'll have all three at the same time. I'll use the beat as my main source of inspiration and pull from old hooks and bars in my notes or I could have an entire song written with no beat I'll either hunt down the perfect one or reshape the idea to fit another one and use what I can and save what I can't.





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