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Feature: Saasz Decodes ‘Nostalgic Escapism’

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your 'Nostalgic Escapism' and the story it tells?

‘Nostalgic Escapism’ aims to a past that as much as it can be nostalgic, you also want to escape. The first half is dedicated to internal issues, conflicts with oneself and views of the world. Each song after “Alternate Reality” which is the song used to "escape" touches subjects on finding hope, trust, self-love and self-discovery (as mentioned in Retro Mind).

Can you talk about the recording and production process for 'Nostalgic Escapism?'

The whole album was done from my living room and I produced it independently. I used different platforms for samples (as I do not play an instrument yet :D). Some of the songs were written back in 2014/2015 like “Jealousy” and “Alternate Reality” ( just changed a few bits) the rest were written in the last couple of years.

Guess the most frustrating thing was to have a melody/sound in my head for a specific song and not be able to make it due to sample availability. Some songs were taken off the album due to this as I didn't like the way it sounded. It was better in my head >.<

What is your personal favorite song from 'Nostalgic Escapism' and why?

They're all their own thing but I gotta go with Alternate Reality. It's a small summary of my mind and thoughts. The clouds, the theories, the mysteries and the possibilities of life. I like to reflect on these topics and that's why it is my favourite.

Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

I'm still finding myself, I have just started hehe. My aim though is to inspire, help and relate to people through my music. I'm very connected to music myself and the thought of a world without music for me is not a world to live in. Music is one of my reasons to still exist and I want to bring that with my own stuff as well as the ones that helped me go through life.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they impacted your own sound?

It changed a lot through time haha. Right now I would have to say Lana Del Rey, Still Corners and Cigarettes After Sex. They are my main ones but I listen to a lot of different artists as I like to explore what's around :D


