Feature: pure xtc Decodes “Mood Ring”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Mood Ring?"

The first thing that hit me was, “She’s going to love me and my mood swings,” which is also the first line of the song—rare for me! The Mood Ring concept came from describing an ex’s behavior. The short film is actually based on true events, but that’s another story LOL. I had a lot of fun with the visual elements of this song, the colors in the ring representing both of our emotions shifting erratically, comparing the relationship to Sid & Nancy, etc. I was just having fun and I think it came through in both the song and video.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "Mood Ring?"

I started working on "Mood Ring" about a year ago and wrapped it up over the winter. For the first time, I let myself write without any deadlines, which was liberating. There are probably 15 versions of the song living on my computer - it took me a minute to get the chorus melody and lyrics just right. My favorite part of the process was discovering those vocal samples you hear throughout the track—I literally jumped out of my chair when I got ‘em right haha.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

Seeing Shelby crawl out of the bathroom to the stage was a hilarious highpoint of the shoot, but my favorite moment was walking into the bar (Hillsiders) and seeing everyone there. The crew was setting up, and friends started arriving—all on a Monday night. It was an amazing feeling having so many people show up for me.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

I don’t think I ever had a choice, haha. I was obsessed from age 5—begged for a drum kit but ended up with guitar and piano lessons. Looking back, I’m grateful for that; my mom wanted me to learn to read music. At 15, I finally got my drums (thanks, Dad!) and hit the road right after high school. Haven’t looked back since.

How do you continuously grow and evolve as an artist?

I never want to feel stagnant. I’m driven to keep evolving and uncovering new aspects of myself—like singing, which I only started pursuing three years ago. I like to stay current on new music, study what others are doing, see what's working and what isn’t. All while not being scared to chart new territory. The key for me has been learning to trust my instincts, stop second guessing and just go with what feels right.





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