Punk Head

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Feature: Mort Jardin Decodes ‘Incidentals from the Dead Garden’

Can you talk about any specific themes or motifs that run throughout 'Incidentals from the Dead Garden?'

The premise for the album is an imagined soundtrack to a pulp novel. Travel, TV and film inspire motifs. Themes within ‘Incidentals’ include International shipping, a war in the desert, religious icons, the heat, the cold. But the real inspirations are reactions to existential situations – be it my personal life or world events.

Were there any moments in the recording process where you knew you had something special?

I recorded “Double Drop,” “Glass Panel Birds” and “Benzin” consecutively and felt the theme build and a story unveiling.

Which track(s) from the album do you think best represents your artistic vision?

It’s hard to say as I change from album to album. In this case, I think “Orange Filter” is a good signal, as it combines both the intuitive and selective aspects and aurally describes a visual scene.

Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

I’m a sonic-experimenter in a pop-function format. As a musician, I am primarily a guitarist, bass player and programmer.

Origins of music come in inspired, intuitive moments and are recorded quickly. I give them whatever name comes to me.
Later, I revisit the track, endlessly working on the arrangement and mixing in a very considered way.

Often the sounds and instrumentation are traditional; inspired by the history of rock music; post-punk, alternative; indie; and all the concoctions within… however the process is much inspired by electronica. trip-hop and alternative RnB.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

Mostly the madness of my inner monologue, reacting to the weather and whatever.


