Feature: MISFIT ALLEY Decodes “Alter Ego”

What inspired you to write the lyrics/music for this "Alter Ego?"

Well, you know, we usually start experimenting around with the instruments first. And this time, we stumbled upon this darker vibe that felt right. It got us thinking about how we all try to fit into society's ever-changing expectations, even if it messes with our heads sometimes.

Was there any challenge that you encountered while making "Alter Ego?"

Oh, for sure. We're lucky to have our own little studio setup, but still, there were some of the usual bumps along the way.

What do you like the best about this track?

The vibe on this one is killer. We've been wanting to explore this darker sound for a while now. And that breakdown in the middle? Yeah, that's just a taste of what's to come.

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

Well, we're just a bunch who love making music. It's not easy balancing our day jobs with band life, but we're all in it together, you know? We're giving it our all.

What role do you feel emotions play in your music, and how do you channel them into your performances?

Oh, emotions are everything. We're trying to inject more of that raw feeling into our songs. You know, those moody vibes that really draw you in. It's a bit nerve-wracking putting our hearts out there, but it seems like people are feeling it, so that's cool.





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