Feature: Matt DeAngelis Decodes “Chasin'Rainbows”

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind "Chasin'Rainbows" and the story it tells?

"Chasin' Rainbows" is a song that will inspire you to not only chase your dreams, but find what's most important to you. We all want to find the gold at the end of the rainbow, but our downfall as people is our lack of thankfulness just for today. One has to navigate the storm in order to see the rainbow, but the storm can actually be beautiful in itself. The journey can be just as incredible as the destination, and the rainbow that you may be seeking may not be all it's cracked up to be. So what's your rainbow?

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this song?

As we were recording this song in the studio, we found magic when laying down the backing harmonies. They really filled out the song and helped shape it to what it is today. I take a lot of pride in my vocals, so to hear backing vocals complete the song the way they did was very special.

How do you feel "Chasin'Rainbows" represents your artistic identity?

As an artist, "Chasin' Rainbows" represents my identity in many ways, but one of the main ways in particular is appreciating the journey and not just the destination. As a storm chaser, I know what it's like to have to be patient to earn the reward I'm seeking, and it's no different from anything else in life.

What role do you feel emotions play in your music, and how do you channel them into your performances?

I am a very emotional artist and songwriter. I often let my emotions drive me when composing songs, as well as performing live. I channel my emotions of a song through my performance and this helps me connect with the audience. If the audience can feel my emotions, I'm doing my job.





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