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Feature: Mark Mallman Decodes “Seen My Own Ghost”

What was the creative process like for this particular "Seen My Own Ghost?"

I was reading a ghost hunting article about residual hauntings. It may be wonder if people who are alive could have intense experiences that left behind residual energy ghosts as well. For me, that would be the time my ex partner lied to me. The song is about our past, not haunting us, but reminding us of how much we’ve grown.

How do you feel this singel represents your artistic identity?

I’m a music historian in my recordings, as well as on social media. This track draws a lot on dark 80s music. Even though it feels Goth, the inspiration came from Billie Jean. I had my drummer play the part without a live snare and then added the OBX. my recording style mimics my persona in that I combine elements from the past into now. I suppose you could say the OBX is an example of a ghost as well.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

These days I make my videos with my best friend and my cousin. It’s very much a family affair. It helps that my best friend is Wilson Webb, the award-winning motion picture set photographer. We actually shot this in his garage. My cloak was handmade by the Chicago horror-burlesque artist, REDRUM. “Seen my own ghost” is a stark song, I wanted the video to reflect that. Since I spent so much time editing my TikToks, it’s second nature to edit music videos as well.

What has been the most memorable experience or achievement in your music career so far?

When I was younger, I would look at an artist like Lou Reed or David Bowie, and think about their entire catalog, and the years that they grew and changed. It’s cool to be at a place in my life where I can see the differences between albums and I have 10 of them. My recorded music is my life‘s work. They are a journal of where I was at the time, who I loved, and what my challenges were. As we grow, we become libraries. So maybe that’s not the most memorable experience, but it is what I’m most proud of.

What do you find most rewarding about co-writing with others?

The best part of a co-write situation is when 1+1=3. I definitely felt that when I was working with Ryan Elder on our song for Rick and Morty. On a movie trailer, the collaborator is the producer or the editor. They’re doing a type of songwriting that is informed by other parts of the medium.


