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Feature: I Saw Movement Decodes ‘Maybe This Time EP’

How did everything come together?

Originally this was supposed to be another full-length, but ultimately it was decided to keep it as an EP. I had a few ideas in my head for melodies and sat down one day and started writing.

Were there any moments in the recording process where you knew you had something special?

When I started laying down the vocals for the choruses I knew there was something special about these songs. Everything was coming together very quickly and falling into place where I wanted it to.

Which song(s) from 'Maybe This Time EP' do you think best represents your artistic vision?

“Enough” and “Palms” are the two standouts on the EP. “Enough” from the opening riff keeps the song moving and interesting. “Palms” has an amazing chorus in my opinion. It’s big and catchy, but simple and easy to grasp. Each release is stronger than the last, these two songs help push I Saw Movement forward.

Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you decided to follow your path as a musician?

I was always involved in music throughout my life whether it was performing it or recording it. But, one of the most important moments was hearing Owen’s ‘No Good For No One Now’ record. Everything from the performance to the production was done by the artist himself and it really showed me what was possible.

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

It always starts with a melody or beat/pattern in my head that I hear that I can translate into something workable. I’ll sit in the studio almost every day just working on something a little at a time until I hit this moment where everything just clicks and it’s off to the races.


