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Feature: Eruption Artistique Decodes “Ball&Chain (with The Smackbar)”

What was the creative process like for this particular "Ball&Chain (with The Smackbar)?"

“Ball&Chain” is a song we recorded a couple of years ago with a very small budget. The song became a cult track and many people really liked it. They put it on the original Spotify soundtrack of Suicide Squad 2 and that gave us quite some attention. We decided to work with the producers of The Smackbar this time, and to do the process of recording completely again. This time with a better budget. We are big fans of the Dandy Warhols and The Rolling Stones. The producers came really close hahaha. We love it.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

We rented an original V8 police car and the owner of this car really liked our music. He decided to stay during the video and to drive our singer Sara in his extravagant R8 Audi to all the locations. Also the electrification of Mike was cool. We do and make everything ourselves. We don’t use filters or special effects so people get hurt during filming. We do everything for our Art…hell yeah

What impact do you hope "Ball&Chain (with The Smackbar)" will have on your audience or the music industry?

Cool question. We have two things we really hope. First of all we hope it makes people really happy and wants to party. We don’t make money with our music ( we put all our time and money into it) but we really hope it makes people go crazy. Second: our wish is that our music will be used in a movie or series. We think our music will suit perfectly on the silver screen…. So everybody in the world of alternative cinema (interested in some real Rotterdam Rock n Roll)…give us a call

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

I have been making music for more than 30 years. I played in extreme metal/ grindcore bands when I was young. Later I preferred 1960’ style music more. This is the music I grew up on. Some years ago I started working with an extremely talented female singer Sara. Her voice is classical, but when we started tweaking with a chorus we got this awesome vocal sound that defines our music. I also ran into a really cool producer Emil, that helped us out and lifted our demo’s sky high.

What role do you feel emotions play in your music, and how do you channel them into your performances?

Most songs are inspired by literature. Especially post WW2 Anglo American literature. When I read I make notes about how these beautiful books make me feel and make me think about. These feelings are of course a vague reflection of my own life and thoughts. “Ball&Chain” is a happy song but the idea behind the lyrics is in fact sad. It is like Noel Gallagher puts it: If love is not enough leave me dead to the world. Cheers Eruption Artistique & The Smackbar


