Punk Head

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Feature: Carlos Escanilla Decodes “Just A Little While”

What is the creative process like?

I wanted to challenge myself to write a 2-chord song (more difficult than it sounds). I knew it would force me to get creative with vocal arrangement. I also wanted to mesh genres, where the verses are more rock/alternative focused, and the chorus to have a vintage soul vibe. It was very fun to work on and take advantage of my vocal range.

How do you feel this song represents your artistic identity?

To where each song I had recorded thus far leaned to a certain genre, this song represents me in the sense that it's hard to place, genre-wise. It's simply a vibe.

What did you enjoy most about making "Just A Little While?"

I enjoyed working on the trumpet piece with Alejandra! We had the best time. And the layering of my falsetto range was also very beautiful to do.

Can you share an instance where you felt a strong connection with the crowd during a show?

I perform alot. but with this song, Yes. Every time I play it there’s a shift in energy when the Chorus kicks in. People start moving. It's great.

How do you stay inspired and motivated to continue pushing boundaries in your art?

I just know that there's alot I can do with my vocals, as well with the wonderful musicians I've surrounded myself with. Lots of music to create!


