Feature: Ann Beretta Decodes ‘DCxPC Live Vol. 21 ann beretta Last Songs Live’

How does 'DCxPC Live Vol. 21 ann beretta Last Songs Live' reflect your musical journey and growth as a band?

This was the end of an era, the last show we'd perform as a band. While the LP is only about half of the show we did play and include songs from across our full catalog. I think it captures the energy of our live performances including the occasional forgotten or reimagined lyrics. We've never played a perfect show but why hide that fact?

Can you share any memorable experiences or stories from performing this album live?

We were surrounded by our dearest friends in a hometown venue. People traveled to see the show from across the country which still blows my mind. This performance of the Last Song from our most recent album was really hard to get through and I admittedly did forget some words and got pretty choked up throughout playing it. This show was really special for us and, I think, everyone who attended. It was like Cats... we laughed, we cried, we had a blast.

How do you feel this album represents your artistic identity?

It's true to who we are as a band. It's honest and it's raw. It's somewhat intimate and humbling all at the same time.

What has been the most memorable experience or achievement in your music career so far?

There's been so many but the best part has always been the friends we've made around the world. Many are still like family to us even 30 years later. I tend to remember all of our firsts really well - the first sold-out show, the first show out of town, or the first trip to the West Coast. The biggest and again sometimes most humbling moments were with fans of the band. I'll never forget the first time someone shared that a song we wrote saved their life - like literally kept them from killing themselves. I still can't believe having that kind of positive impact on someone's life. It blows my mind and I'll never take that for granted.

What do you believe sets your live performances apart from other bands?

I would have said our energy 15 years ago but throughout the band's history, I think it has always been our appreciation for the people coming to see us play. At one point I also would have claimed to have been the tightest live band on the planet thanks to playing over 250 shows in a year pretty consistently but that claim also belongs to the younger me.





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