Punk Head

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Everything Ken X On the Making Of “Now or Never”

How did you come up with the idea?

It all started when I found this producer who goes by Unholyfield. The name of the beat was called Thelema. My studio producer JReese (Studio 1515) noticed the name Thelema and immediately made the connection to Helena Blavatsky. We then sat down and Reese began mixing the instrumental with the direction that Unholyfield had in mind.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in "Now or Never?"

The overall theme of “Now or Never” is to wake up and resist against oppressive forces. Following our intuition in order to realize that we all have the power to live in a free society. All of the answers are already here! We have to seek the truth for ourselves.

What has been one of your most favorite memories along the path to making the track?

I enjoyed collaborating with JReese, Shaun Token, and Unholyfield. Shaun Token is arguably the best guitarist in the area and JReese is the best sound engineer for out of the box ideas.

Another time was when I hosted a listening party at Bottega in Wilmington, NC. The crowd went insane once “Now or Never” started playing.

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

My creative process is to envision the overall feel of what I want to create. I imagine how it will look to perform the song on stage while also taking my studio producer's mixing into consideration because he knows my sound and direction more than anyone else.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as an artist, and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge I faced as an artist was when Covid hit right after I pursued music full time. I was working a few weekly gigs and then all of the bars closed down. However, it was a blessing in disguise because it allowed me to take a step back and fine tune my art.


