Eastern Pin On the Making Of ‘Eextended.play’

What was the creative process like for this particular EP?

With this being our first release we really took our time, Colin (guitar) and I started writing “From The Sea” in the Spring of ‘23 and we wrote continuously until we decided to record in August of this year. We’re all pretty particular about the parts we write, which I really enjoy. I’m especially critical of our lyrics so a couple songs got completely rewritten a few times. We just wanna put out the best product we can.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the
recording sessions for ‘extended.play?’

Honestly, I think what stands out to me from the whole process was the thrill of getting to hear everyone’s parts individually. Sometimes in a practice setting certain things can get drowned out - it was really to hear everyone’s parts on their own, it just added depth to my appreciation for my band mates’ skills.

Can you talk about any standout tracks on ‘extended.play’ and what makes them special to you?

I definitely don’t have any favorites buuuut “No. 7” is kind of an oddball and holds a special place for me. Lyrically and vocally it’s one of my favorites, when I wrote that song I was incredibly frustrated by how everything around me felt very fake and commercialized. I feel like that frustration and my want to change it is clearly conveyed on that track in a poetic way. It’s also the only song I don’t really play guitar on.

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

As a band we’re kind of an oddball - we have a 23-year age gap between our youngest and oldest members so we really cover an array of influences but we all love similar types of music. We’re all experienced and lifelong musicians but as the youngest member it’s been an incredible blessing to be writing and working with these guys who have been doing it their whole lives.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and connecting with your audience?

As a vocalist, my favorite thing is making the audience really *feel* the message of the songs. I love when someone comes up after a show and tells me they got goosebumps or they felt understood. I want my listeners to know that there are people who struggle with the same things, feel the same things, and there are people who understand them. In a live setting we really get the opportunity to convey the passion and intention behind our music.





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