Punk Head

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dove blood On the Making Of ‘delirious’

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind 'delirious' and the story it tells?

The songs on 'delirious' were initially written when we were all feeling a little lonely at the height of the pandemic in 2020. I think it’s really about that isolation and feeling a little crazy and delirious in our confinement. It started as a fun way to pass the time between my best friend, Farah Abdou, and me (Nadya). Farah lives in LA so we didn’t really have a way to record these (and she’s also the kind of person who is just oozing with talent and has a million other creative projects she’s working on), so she was happy to let me take these songs and run with them with Alicia and Avi. I think what makes 'delirious' so special is how many people touched these songs and how they helped form dove blood. They’re really the reason we’re playing together, and it feels good to finally have something out in the world.

Were there any moments in the recording process where you knew you had something special?

There was a moment where we realized “manic” felt a little too different than the other songs, so Alicia added some synth to help bridge the gap and when we heard it with the synth added, it felt like an entirely new song. We couldn’t believe it was ever missing the synth—like it was finally complete and we got it to where it needed to be. That was such a cool feeling.

What are you most proud about 'delirious?'

When I brought Alicia and Avi on to help me produce these songs, they took them and really shaped them from just bones, to these amazing, full pieces that simultaneously didn’t change the songs very much, but also sound so incredibly different than when we started working on them. There have been about 15 versions of “wdy” and I joked throughout the process that we should just drop an EP of all the different versions. I’m just so happy that we never gave up on these songs that brought us together as a band and finally released them. It’s obviously a lot easier now to write new stuff together, but it’s really cool that we saw these songs through.

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

Yeah, honestly it’s kind of magical how we got together. Alicia is a friend from an old job and Avi and I played music together in another band. We kind of came together accidentally when I asked Alicia to help me with “manic” and Avi to help me with “wdy.” Avi and I went to our practice space for the other band (that band wasn’t practicing, ’cause covid) and jammed every week on random stuff because we were losing our minds, just playing bass and drums and learning covers. Then when Alicia came back with thoughts on “manic” we ended up jamming together and it just felt right. We’ve been equally supportive of each other’s ideas from the get-go, and our talents really compliment each other. When we play together we all just have such a great time, and I think people really feel that when they see us.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

We’re all people in our 30s, married/in committed relationships, two of us with newborn babies, etc. so we’re really just rolling with whatever inspires us in the moment. Like, there’s a song on our next album that Avi took the lead on writing based on a dream Alicia had, but also inspired by the movie Blade Runner. I think we’re just trying to roll with the inspiration as it comes and there isn’t necessarily one specific message we’re trying to convey. We’re also perfection-avoidant and unstuffy—we’re just really out to have fun and enjoy creating a collage out of our ideas. The minute a song feels too heavy or try-hard, we’ll change it up, rewrite it even, into something we all enjoy playing again.


