CH/ZZY ‘Late Start’

Late Start is a vibrant collection that absorbs and releases a wide range of emotions and stories, laced with retro elements from 90s’ hip-hop, R&B, soul, and blues, recalling iconic names from the hey day of hip-hop. Every song draws listener into a mood of intoxicating backdrops, piercing beats and CH/ZZY’s humble but unfiltered storytelling. Late Start feels like a preservation of one’s spirit, love, pain, and strength. From the moment you play it, you’ll know it’s special. And the atmosphere and vibe in it makes you want to stay forever.

Written shortly after losing his father, “Diamond Summer” and “Empty Pages” are the two autobiographic tunes in the album. Navigating grief, anger, and loss, the songs see CH/ZZY in introspection. “Diamond Summer” contemplates father-son relationship and his early life, putting his raw, immediate storytelling forefront. Then in the backdrop, warm and celestial vocals and soundscapes subtly elevates the track to a therapeutic, emotional journey. The kind of confrontation and honesty with oneself against a captivating backdrop resembles early Eminem’s style of music. “Empty Pages” dives even further into the truth and lessons in one’s life. Every line holds power. It pounds on listeners’ heart, evoking immediate relatability.

On the other hand, tracks like “Corner Bar,” “I’m Wit’ It,” “Press Play,” and “New Levels” immerses listeners with their uniquely hard-hitting vibes. Hypnotic, urban, and nostalgic, CH/ZZY’s music pulls your heart-string and gets you lost in the moment. Check out our interview with the artist, where we talk about the heroes he grew up listening and his journey as an artist.

Punk Head: I love how authentic and honest Late Start is overall. It definitely has a lot of you in it. Is there a place that you'd go to write your songs or seek for sparks?

CH/ZZY: I appreciate that. It was important to me that the album be very personal, so I’m happy to have that feedback.

Honestly, I would write at any point that I felt inspired, which is often. My brain works weird like that. I could be shopping, or going on a run outside, or out at the bars with friends, and a certain idea or rhyme would hit my brain, and I’d pull up my note pad on my phone and write it down, and then I’d build on it from there.

I remember for the track, “Comfortable,” me and my wife were camping at a log cabin in Wisconsin, smoked a little, got the giggles and somehow the hook just came out. There were a couple of versions of that track. The original was really silly, but I like the final version much better.

I spent a lot of time writing at work too. I have a career in HR benefits which keeps me very busy, but if there were any opportunities for down time (which wasn’t often), I’d put my headphones on, listen to a beat and write away. My boss probably wouldn’t be thrilled to hear that, but if she happens to read this: work was always priority number one (wink wink).

PH: Was there any challenge that you encountered while making this album?

CH/ZZY: Yes. Several. But mostly, my father. In November 2021, he had a recurrence with Hairy Cell Leukemia. This was right around the time that I had started this project. He went through a very difficult fight for several months. In May 2022, he had an infection in his brain which was a result of the aggressive treatment he had undergone and slipped into a coma shortly after that. In July, he passed away. I never expected such a thing to happen. It was the most difficult time of my life.

Late Start was partially a distraction from the pain me and my family were going through. It inspired me to write songs like “Diamond Summer” and “Empty Pages.” I was filled with anger, anxiety, and stress. Getting lost in creativity was my only outlet. I would sit with my father in the hospital and play the songs that I was working on for him, hoping that anything would wake him up. I know that he’s looking down on me now, proud of what I’ve accomplished.

To lighten the mood a little bit, another challenge I had was working in my home studio. I live in a high rise in the city and don’t have soundproof walls. There’s construction going on outside which limited my ability to record. And I remember shouting on songs like “Cerebral” and “Press Play,” hoping I wouldn’t upset my neighbors. I had a note slipped under my door at one point from somebody who said, “I heard you rapping. Good work, but can you please keep it down?” Luckily, I was able to finish the record without any formal complaints to the manager.

PH: What motivates you as an artist?

CH/ZZY: I think there’s a gargantuan component of my cerebral that pressures me to be creative. It’s my boss, and my boss is pretty demanding.

I’ve always been an artist. When I was a kid, I used to sketch and draw any time I had an opportunity. My parents would get annoyed by how quickly I would go through crayons or dry out a box of markers. Then, unsurprisingly, I studied art and graphic design in college. All the while, I would write lyrics as a result of my love and passion for hip-hop culture. That continued to grow to the point where it became my favorite form of artistic media.

Now, my primary motivation is to share the passion and dedication I pour into this with the world. There is a plethora of emotions on this album. I want it to make people laugh, cry, and everything in between. I want those who suffer from mental health disorders like I do to feel inspired and lifted by songs like “Diamond Summer.” I would love it if I could be successful enough to make a career out of this. I have so many ideas and songs that I want to make. I just need the time to do it.

PH: Who are your biggest influences?

CH/ZZY: I could probably write a novel to this question. It was a goal of mine for every track on Late Start to draw inspirations from different artists that I have loved since the birth of hip-hop. The culture itself is my greatest influence. I wanted every song to sound different while maintaining a certain level of cohesiveness at the same time.

Most of my songs have a more 90’s, old school vibe, drawing inspiration from greats like Nas, Pac, Jay-Z, and Andre 3000. Kendrick and J. Cole influence me when I take more of a modern yet deep, lyrical approach. Some of the more aggressive tracks are inspired by artists like Run the Jewels, Eminem and LL Cool J. I love story-telling songs too. You might have noticed some inspiration from Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story” on Occ Hazard.

I absolutely love some of the more underground artists like Sa-Roc, Oddisee, Aesop Rock, Solemn Brigham and Danny Brown. Every time I throw on one of their records, it’s like lighting a fire under my ass. And then of course, my city, Chicago, and all the greats that came from it like Kanye, Lupe and Common. I could keep going here, but I’ll cut myself short and leave it at that.

PH: What would you like to tell your supporters out there?

CH/ZZY: First and foremost, I would tell them, Thank you for listening. I’m extremely grateful for every person I have the opportunity to entertain with my music. There is plenty more CH/ZZY on the way, so stay connected and share away. Late Start is just the first steps to an incredible journey, so let’s grow this community together. I’m just getting started.


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