Punk Head

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Carrying Torches On the Making Of “All For Nothing”

What was the creative process like for this particular song?

This song was started through a poem that was lyrically inspired by a trip our singer, Justin, took with his wife, Liz, to Mexico. His lyrics later illustrate deep takeaways from a life lived alongside his soul mate. What it may mean to live a life in love.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "All For Nothing?"

Our singer was challenged to adjust the lyrics in the first verse to fit our producer, Seth Henderson’s new vision for the vocal rhythm. Additionally, Justin needed to write a vocal part in the studio for the bridge, because that was also modified during recording.

What impact do you hope "All For Nothing" will have on your audience?

The desired impact is to touch the listener and maybe have them be able to interpret the song in a relatable and meaningful way for themselves. We don't take ourselves too seriously but our lyrics can be clever and charming and we hope the listener may be delighted by our efforts. The music video for this song is quirky and silly so hopefully the viewer is amused.

What has been the most memorable experience or achievement in your music career so far?

This is a difficult question to answer because what sounds impressive and what is true impetus for an artist are entirely different responses. Playing venues in the windy city of Chicago like Chop Shop, Reggie’s, Subterranean, Cubby Bear and Beat Kitchen alongside other creatives for amazing crowds is surely an undeniable amazing feeling. However, the beauty in the simplicity of a weekly band practice where you are stacking the notes together making the songs and laughing your head off with your band is an achievement in its own right.

How do you stay inspired and motivated to continue pushing boundaries in your art?

Good question. It may sound strange but a great way to keep yourself amped about your own project is to pay attention and give support to the bands around you. Our synth player, Misty, always insists that finding a band is like finding a four-leaf clover. Her sentiment expresses rarity and fortune in being able to do what we do. So, by looking at the lucky bands around you and sharing the luck you can feed your community and fill yourself up with reasons why to push yourself to your creative potential.


