Brooklynzhen On the Making Of “33rd Degree Jason”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "33rd Degree Jason?"

I was messing around with my SH-101 and wanted to break the habit of constantly jamming and forgetting to sample things down. So in the spirit of breaking habits, I formed “33rd Degree Jason”.

Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in this track?

Great question! I think on a musical level, the track is mainly bleeps and sweeps. I mainly mapped out the structure more rigorously and sampled the synth over and over til it sounded the way I imagined it.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

When I shared it with my partner, she said she loved it but “hated” the helicopter clip. I kept it stubbornly - to show that I had “landed” it at this point in the visual narrative.

What genres of music do you primarily focus on, and what draws you to those genres?

Cosmic disco and dark house/techno are my primary interests when producing electronic music. Endless possibilities. I would produce IDM if I could but no idea how those artists do that so eloquently.

The music industry is constantly evolving. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest production trends and technologies?

Social media these days - I used to keep informed watching YouTube videos but now the algorithm on TikTok takes care of my needs!





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