Punk Head

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Benton Crane On the Making Of “LDFS”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "LDFS?"

I often get musical ideas and various words and phrases stuck in my head. One morning I woke up earlier than usual with the phrase “Light dream fade sleep” stuck in my head along with a rough idea of how I wanted the song to sound. I spent the morning sketching out what would eventually become “LDFS.”

Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in "LDFS?"

This is one of those songs that pretty much came together on its own. To be honest, I have very little recollection of the recording process. It was sort of a flow state creation- which I’ve found are the songs that turn out the best in my opinion.

What impact do you hope "LDFS" will have on your audience?

I hope that my listeners can get lost in the soundscape, allowing them a bit of a refuge from the outside world. Much like with all of my music (and any music in general), the best listening experience will come by listening intentionally on headphones.

How do you approach creating something new and different?

This is one of the most “bass-forward” songs that I’ve released so far. Typically I record my bass parts to follow the rest of the song, but in “LDFS” I really let it live more prominently in the song and in the mix.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

My primary goal with all of my music is to create something that my listeners can relate to, or get lost in. If my audience feels seen or heard through my songs then I know I’ve done my job. I’ve felt so much refuge from music in the past- I look at it like I am returning the favor to the world by trying to offer that same refuge.


