Punk Head

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Artist Spotlight: Meet VRDA

Can you share any interesting or unique musical elements or production techniques used in "I'd Rather Grow Old (REMIX)?"

Sure! This track was built using vocal stems from the original version, run through samplers and FX. (Some of the ‘synth’ sounds are actually crazy delays on the vocals with filter automation). I used a lot of analogue sounds too from my Korg Minilogue.

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of this remix single?

I really liked the melody of the original bridge (“I don’t wanna be a ghost no more”) and the whole track kind of started from speeding up that vocal line and then writing a new bass part underneath it.

How do you feel this remix single represents your artistic identity?

This version shows more of the anxious-dance-party side of VDRA, whereas the original is a lot more of my emotional pop ballad side. I like to keep it weird and wonderful.

How do you continuously grow and evolve as an artist?

I’m always listening to and learning from other artists and musicians! I love trying new techniques - often my songs are inspired by one sound or technical way of working.

Can you share a project that holds particular significance to you? What made it memorable, and what challenges did you overcome?

Recording and releasing my debut EP in 2020 was my most exciting release - I hadn’t put any music out for myself in 5 years and was focussing on building my skills as an audio engineer. I filmed the music video during lockdown in my tiny apartment and my cat tried very hard to get involved!


