Artist Spotlight: Meet VAZUM

How did you come up with the theme?

It was natural to use Western Violence as a theme as we live in fear (whether warranted or not) on a regular basis. We fear the government and we fear each other.

Were there any moments in the recording process where you knew you had something special?

Yes, often times we will rework a part or try something new to a section of a song and it instantly becomes better. That's an exciting part of recording and having the luxury to record at home and spend as much time on it as we want.

Can you talk about any standout tracks on 'Western Violence' and what makes them special to you?

“Done” is the most emotional track on the album. When we wrote it we both were in tears. Emily put a part of herself into that song and I felt it. I've never had that type of experience before. It was important to get the song right when we recorded it so we spent a lot of time getting the right tones and the right takes. The mix went through several iterations before we completed it.

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

We put everything we had into this album and we are proud of how it turned out. It's quite special to see a project through from start to end and live in every aspect of it. It definitely took over our lives for a period of time.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

No one is illegal. That's what our song Alien is about. Who has the right to claim land that wasn't theirs to begin with? We don't buy into patriotism or the patriarchy. We support human rights.





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