Artist Spotlight: Meet Sahara CyberStars
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What was the creative process like for this particular song?
What was interesting with this song was the speed from writing to recording to releasing. Looking back it nearly didn’t happen at all because we were working on a totally different song. We decided to change the lyrics and came up with completely different ones - and then to top it off we decided that we wanted different chords. Along with that we weren’t happy with the rhythm so Dave changed that. We sat back and suddenly had this absolutely different song from where we started - we still have to return to the other song we were writing and who knows we might get another song out of that - it might just keep going!!
Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in “Modern Life?”
Well like everyone else we can’t avoid watching the news and these days it’s not too good overall. We’ve been as upset at the terrible struggle we are seeing with homelessness.
It feels like the human race had turned into an Olympic event. The speed of life is increasing exponentially and where has it got us? Are things better or are we being told they are while just surviving day to day. In any race there are fewer winners so who’s looking out for those falling behind.
In the past people holidayed in tents and caravans, returning home for everyday life. Today we see pictures of tents in the cities. The demographic of people living in these has changed in an extraordinary way. Homelessness was caused by many reasons however unemployment was usually the cause. Today, some fully employed people are living in cars, tents, or if lucky, a caravan.
A huge housing crisis seems to have spread globally like a virus. Even if there were more houses it now takes two incomes. Some mums are in a relay of picking up, dropping off and passing on. Can’t step off that merry-go-round. Relentless, all in the name of a roof over our heads. So as the song says, “sometimes I want to go and lose myself in the past, I want to go slow, yesteryear was not so fast”. We had more time for each other, and more rooves over our heads.
How do you feel “Modern Life” represents your artistic identity?
We have always been socially minded so therefore we consider our songs to be contemporary - even if the alto sax isn’t!! But besides the instruments we use various styles which has made our music eclectic. “Modern Life” we describe as a contemporary song about a contemporary issue with a yesteryear feel.
How do you continuously grow and evolve as a band?
By constantly experimenting and leaving ourselves totally open to inspiration.
Is there a specific song that holds a particularly special meaning to you? Can you share the story behind it?
We have a very soft spot for one of our earlier love songs called “Thinking of You.” We were new to Australia having migrated from Ireland. There was a range of emotions flowing through us as it was such an upheaval. ‘Thinking of You’ kind of reflects that feeling of loss nostalgia and vulnerability. Happily, we did experience a lot of success with this love ballad as it seemed to strike a chord with many people. we were even told of a marriage proposal using our song in the background - how romantic!!