Artist Spotlight: Meet MoulD

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "MAD?"

I started writing “MAD” in 2020, in fact it started from a guitar riff that I played and then I thought it would be cool to reverse it and then the chord progression changed and I found it interesting. I started writing on that and I immediately came up with the chorus hook with the multiple vocal layers. Then the song stayed in my library unfinished and then in 2022 I opened the project again and finished it, I guess I had the inspiration at the time to try and write something more “Pop” and “MAD” was the result of this desire.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

My favorite moment was the shadow theatre parts which I was curating while playing in it. I remember me and Sophia (the main actor) we were laughing so hard trying to be edgy and serious but behind the curtains we were having so much fun.

How do you feel "MAD" represents your artistic identity?

“MAD” incorporates all the aspects of my sound, it has catchy vocal lines with multiple vocal layers, electric guitar riffs, electronic elements, a trap, almost hip hop beat and a heavy and aggressive Nu Metal breakdown. All these Clemente’s are on every song of mine but specifically on “MAD” these elements are made with a Pop approach.

How do you stay inspired and motivated to continue pushing boundaries in your art?

My inspiration is basically my life. All the anxiety and depression I may experience in my life. I use art as a therapy for me and whoever is listening to my music. Also, different forms of art keep me inspired such as movies, paintings and poems, etc.

Have you ever had any particularly memorable experiences while experimenting with your work?

I remember that I wrote one particular song and I was struggling to finish it. I was always trying to finish it, writing different outros for it but I couldn’t decide which one to keep for the particular song. Every time I came up with a new idea and the ideas were so good so I ended up creating two different songs from those out to ideas and the first initial idea is still in my song library, I never finished it.





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