Artist Spotlight: Meet Lenax

What inspired you to write the lyrics/music for "Inversion?"

I was talking about my songwriting with my girlfriend, who shares an interest in cosmic horror, science fiction, and of course black metal. She suggested the topic of an "inverted universe" and I just took it from there! The song is a living nightmare, one that stars off a sequence of realizations and awakenings as told through the rest of the EP. What if there was no god to save you? What if there was no hell to be saved from?

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Inversion?"

The best moment for me was when I increased the speed of the tarck by 20 beats per minute! The song still has a lot of great atmosphere, especially when we play live. But the original was not nearly as aggressive. Once I sped up the track, everything else followed.

What impact do you hope "Inversion" will have on your audience?

While the subject matter of the lyrics sounds menacing, it is actually a freeing moment for those under fear of such things. Waking up to this sort of reality actually allows humanity to enjoy life in the present, to be our true selves.

How did your band members initally come together?

We met over the course of a number of months very organically. I like to tell the story of how I met my bass player while waiting in line at a merch table for another band we were both seeing. The band is called Casket Robbery, and I knew they recently played in our area at the Metal Devastation Music Festival. That gave us a chance to start a conversation and we hit it off right away.

Ironically it was while waiting for an on air interview with Metal Devastation that I started a conversation with the drummer from Blood Stained Dusk, who was not only going to be interviewed on the same radio program, but was also going to be playing the next Metal Devastation Festival. After he joined Lenax, I also joined his band as a touring member.

Finally, our second guitar player and I met via a music networking site. He also has another band called Doomseeker, who are getting ready to play their first shows very soon.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and connecting with your audience?

The ultimate goal for us playing live is to have a shared experience with the audience. Going to a live show is a small break from the rest of the world. Your personal relations, work stress, anything at all on the outside world doesn't matter for a short period of time. That is what we are here for, the experience of the music, the other worldly feeling it gives, and connecting that together with as many people as we can.





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