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Artist Spotlight: Meet I Forget Myself

How did you come up with the theme?

The album title is a play on words, reflected in the album art to highlight the contrasts and polarity across the range of songs, further reflected as we see in the ever-present dichotomy in the world around us.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this album?

It took up a lot of my free time over months, so I remember the recording as a time in my life rather than separate recording sessions. It was made more challenging by the fact that I tracked and produced everything myself, leaving it to a far more experienced engineer to mix and master. 

Can you talk about any standout tracks on 'Some Err then Winter' and what makes them special to you?

Each is different from the next and special in its own way. There are no filler songs in this album; a lot of care has been taken with each individual song. Listen to the album to hear what I am talking about. 

Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

I am a singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist with over two decades of experience in the music industry and performing in various rock bands. I was born and raised in South Africa, am of European ancestry, and have lived in Asia for over a decade - my music thus takes on its distinctive characteristics inspired by a global perspective.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

I'm left-handed, so writing original material with my right brain is never an issue. I can sit down and write a song from start to finish when the mood takes me, but it can't be contrived. I have to feel creative and when in an inspired mood, it's almost effortless to write new and original songs then... I must be beaming them in from my home planet light years away. 


