Artist Spotlight: Meet Hangover Square

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind "Softest of Silks" and the story it tells?

It’s a song about having empathy with those who are really struggling. Lyrically it came after a close friend’s suicide. We created the image of the descending spiral staircase in the middle of a lake is a metaphor to signify when life seems to be constantly trying to drag you down. If you don’t keep stepping up you’ll be sucked under.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Softest of Silks?”

In producing the song, we were inspired by a piano part on a This Mortal Coil album. We tried to create a broken chord guitar part which had the same romance and melancholy. Victoria recorded an incredible vocal part when it was just meant to be a guide track. Chris was washing up in the background and you could hear it on the track. We left it for ages as the actual take because it was so beautiful, but Victoria went back to it after a couple of months and recorded the final version which was even better.

Can you describe the emotions or feelings you hope "Softest of Silks" evokes in listeners?

That it is a great message that makes people feel moved and inspired to keep stepping forward one moment at a time. Most importantly to know that you’re not alone. A sense of beauty and calm.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced as a duo, and how did you overcome them?

Early on we were often disappointed when working with other musicians or people we’d pay to record/mix and master for us. Videos have been Ok but not quite what we wanted. So we’ve learnt how to become totally self-sufficient. We do everything between us from the music to the production, and marketing. We’re both experts now in how to make our own music videos, graphic design, social media, recording, mixing and mastering. We motivate and support each other through all the processes and enjoy the joy of everything we create.

Can you share a standout moment from one of your live performances that you'll never forget?

Playing on the MainStage at a major festival, walking onto the stage seeing the room packed with several thousand people and then those fans singing along to one of our tracks in unison. That was a very special moment.





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