Artist Spotlight: Meet Gengvej

How did you come up with the theme?

I was rummaging through old CDs and came across an album by Jazzmatazz, which combined jazz and hip hop. That's how I came up with the idea of ​​trying jazz with other genres. In the end, I liked the combination of jazz and the atypical psytrance the most. Then I got to work and eventually came up with something that I can stand by.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for 'Wie tanzt man eigentlich zu Jazz?'

It was a back and forth. Listening to what works there were in that direction. Listening to many jazz variants and trance releases as well. And that was sometimes exhausting. The preparatory work (instrument selection, speeds and "storyline") was also time-consuming.

But suddenly everything was completely logical and the tracks were ready.

What impact do you hope this EP will have on your audience?

People are so narrow-minded in their heads about what a style of music should be and what you can and can't do. Jazz in particular is a lively style. But these new influences are not welcomed, as they are seen as an "attack" on old virtues.

I want to get something like that out of the narrow-minded, but also use the combination to open other people's minds to styles like jazz and trance.

Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

Ha! Okay, perhaps the most important thing: I started in the late 1980s with punk and ska music, then in the 1990s I started with electronic music and then took a long break. In between I tried my hand at writing and last year I started combining all of that and working in many different genres.

This year I have planned several collaborations with different artists and I'm really looking forward to it.

How do you approach creating something new and different?

When an idea comes, just try something. And sometimes it works and often it doesn't. Feedback is important. An EDM artist friend from Los Angeles recently analyzed a song that I was really excited about and gave me some advice. After that I started again from the beginning. And that's why it's important that you don't get stuck in this one, typical process, but always approach the project appropriately.

Long story short: It is always different. But always with love.





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