Punk Head

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Artist Spotlight: Meet Electric High

What is the creative process like?

In EH the process usually starts with PV laying out a frame. Often, Marius has made some cool guitar riffs that PV uses. From there, all members of the band take part in completing the songs, putting in
their flavours and personality. Discussions, lots of discussions…

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Hear Me Out?"

Well, the title is Einride’s favorite saying, and we had a great time recording the song, that explains the characteristics of him and his likes. The single cover says it all. The recording session was also the
first with the band’s new drummer, Tor, an old friend and band mate from earlier. We had a really good time recording with this new constellation. We’re also happy with the slightly psychedelic mix
that we ended up with.

Can you describe the emotions or feelings you hope "Hear Me Out" evokes in listeners?

Well, we hope the listeners nod their heads while listening to the main riff. Regarding the lyrics, you may interpret it as you like. This song may be about a guy that wants to say a lot without having a lot to say, or about a guy that is neglected. Or something else, you decide…

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

We’re a bunch of grown-up guys situated in Bergen, Norway. Most members have been involved in different bands on the Norwegian rock scene for a long time, both separately and together.

We share the love for punchy and groovy riffs, and we all like to play hard and loud.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

Energy, energy and energy! Besides that: Be good and behave while you’re having a great party!


