Punk Head

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Artist Spotlight: Meet Centric

What was the creative process like for this particular song?

Inspiration can come from a variety of places. When I’m inspired to create, I usually craft a blueprint of the melody in my head and go from there. I typically add in percussion later on. Then it’s all about the finishing touches which can be just sounds I add in myself or me reaching out to other musicians for additional instrumentation.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "Do Time?"

I produced the record and handled the arrangement. The song was mixed by Alex Delgado for “The Press Recording Studios” and myself. Mastered by Bobby Below for “Raytown Productions”. There’s also additional instrumentation by Josh “Chozen” Sanders on keys, Joylin Music on violin and my friend Wassim Rahmani on the electric guitar.

What did you enjoy most about making "Do Time?"

No doubt. Appreciate you guys. “Do Time” wasn’t complex. I had the piano melody in my head months before I crafted the instrumental. Once I had the blueprint of the production down, I kept adding sounds until it felt right. I even brought in some musicians that I know to add a little flare to the production. Once it was finished, I passed it along to CJae, whose songwriting skills are amazing. About a week later the song was finished. I came across CJae online and decided to reach out to him in 2022. We collaborated on a song called “Timing”. The song came out great and was received very well. It was around that time that I pitched the idea of working on a full album together. He agreed, so we just started working non-stop.

What has been the most memorable experience or achievement in your music career so far?

I would say performing live in London in 2018 will always be a stand-out moment for me. The experience felt surreal.

What do you enjoy most being a musician?

I’ve always loved music since I was a child and dreamed of a career in music naturally. As I grew a little older it became just a hobby of mine. However, in recent years, it has morphed into what some would say is a career. Honestly, as long as I’m able to create…I’m good.


