Punk Head

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Artist Spotlight: Glitzy Von Jagger

Photo Credit: Rosalind Alcazar

What inspired you to write the lyrics/music for "Sharp Dressed Them?"

I loved the originals vibe, energy and production but I couldn't relate to the lyrics or pronouns, it took me out of the narrative. Putting ZZTops masterpiece through a Queer lens felt very punk somehow, taking that masculine power from the original and reclaiming it as a non binary bop! And perhaps I'm singing about one of the ZZTop boys too, Billy's always had my heart and we know he loves legs.

How did you work with the producer or engineers to bring your vision for this track to life?

I ran and DJ a night called Disco Blouse, it's camp disco house and ran at ministry and sushi samba and one of my great pals Grant Richard's of vivid people disco who played at the Blouse lots worked with me on it. He introduced me to Mark Dedross who also helped produce it. Lovely nice east London straight boys with a love of disco and house. Good boys, talented. Grants a wicked ally as well, top bloke. I wrote all the lyrics and when it was time for vocals I was put in touch with the lovely Scheilo team and we laid it down in north London at SpareRoom recording. It was summer and I was boiling so I had my top off the whole time, I was on one that day going for it, I was drenched. It turned out brilliantly, it took a village and they are all smashing, they did brilliant work. Proud of it, someone said it sounds like the Scissor sisters meets Rolling Stones which was a huge compliment as they are both influences.

What impact do you hope "Sharp Dressed Them" will have on your audience?

I'm a pick n mix fairy child of a human bean and genuinely believe in the magic of each other. I want my audience to have fun, be expressive, be shameless and to shine. Look I just hope it moves people in some way, even if it's to the toilet to vomit. As long as people aren't bored then your doing your job as an artist. It's been really exciting though my debut single it's been the dream since I was single digits. People telling me it's their summer song, car song, gym bop. It's really nice to hear, I love to hold space for joy and sacred silliness. I sometimes feel like an X-Them (see what I did there!) or a shaman when I'm performing. A song out, a piece of art you've had a hand in creating that's out there that can reach people you've never met that's a really groovy concept.

What do you enjoy most being an artist?

Being part of people’s journeys even if just for a tiny moment, you create these kinds of bubbles of experience and when you have the audience, really have them it's electric. The transfer of love in all forms is so special. People’s stories they share with you as well, wow, people are awesome. I'm grateful for the connection to others, to music and to the source that being an artist gives me. That might sound like a pageant answer but it's from the heart.

How do you strike a balance between delivering a consistent performance for fans who attend multiple shows and incorporating spontaneous elements?

There's so much nuance to be found in your voice, your performance, what your feeling, your stagecraft. Even before you start changing things up. Honestly, I've found If you've got the goods, you don't need gimmicks. She says in a wig and glittery platforms! I just love dressing up though, always have and drag has healed my inner child who was ashamed of their feminity. Not anymore though the wheels on that bus have truly fallen off. Now I'm on a rollercoaster, I'm having a ball, music is everything. Listen I have SLAY-DHD, there's always gonna be a sprinkling of 'look a squirrel' you'll never be bored at my show, let's put it that way.


