Aoun On the Making Of “Shears”
Photo Credit: Vesper
What was the creative process like for this particular song?
This song was one of those songs that got to a running start but was a bit of a struggle to finish, the concept and structure of the song came together almost instantly, but I had found myself nitpicking at a lot of details particularly lyrically, which is where my cello player, Sean Brennan came in to help and of course later Ashley (Big Dumb Baby).
The final missing piece was really the decision to add Ash's voice to it so we could really access the conversational quality of that first half of the song.
Can you talk about the recording and production process for "Shears?"
Just like my previous two singles ("Kangaroos" and "Smoker's Cough") and the rest of the upcoming album the goal production wise with "Shears" was to keep it all in the same room and get really creative only utilising the same five instruments, guitar, bass, trumpet, cello and drums. The latter point was a bit of a challenge on this song as I was really tempted to utilise some synths or winds, but we managed to make it work for sure and ended up with a result I’m incredibly happy with.
Can you describe the emotions or feelings you hope this single evokes in listeners?
For the listeners, I hope they listen and feel however they feel, I think I'd always prefer not to impose that on anyone and let them all relate to the song however they find themselves doing so.
Can you share a bit about your musical background and the journey that led you to where you are today?
I have been a writer and a producer for quite some time and about a year and a half ago I found myself really needing to create for myself and not another artist or client, I also just happened to be sitting on a lot of musical ideas that were previously rejected by artists that I loved. I was fortunate to have my friend DeLoyd Elze in town here in New York for a couple weeks and he helped get the sparks going.
Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you're particularly excited about?
Well, first and foremost I think I have to say my own album haha. However, currently I'm really looking forward to hearing the new TOLEDO ep that I believe is coming out soon, as well as the new Big Dumb Baby record. I'm a little biased in regard to the last one as I'm working on it.
In terms of artists outside of New York, I'm always looking forward to seeing what Black Country, New Road comes out with next.