Anton Commissaris On the Making Of “Closer to You”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Closer to You?"

Like most of my songs, something pops up from the subconscious, usually with an initial melody, phrase, and groove. I don’t ask for it. I don’t even think about it. It just comes if the stars are aligned. On this occasion, it was the initial lyric - “There are many things I’d say and do ….” My next thought was, I’d say and do all these things for what? The answer immediately was “to get a little closer to you.” It probably helped that the response rhymed and felt quite natural. If everything sounds and feels good, I think, oh here comes another song and I develop it from there. As I reflected on the initial lyric, I thought this song seemed to be about a man who will try everything to get closer to a woman of his dreams who has not yet noticed him. This creates some tension and the listener should lean in to determine if he succeeds.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "Closer to You?"

After the song is fully written and arranged, I’ll get musicians to come to a rehearsal so they’re familiar with the song and get all their questions answered. Sometimes, they have some additional ideas that work their way, such as adding strings on the bridge of this song. Then we’ll head to the studio and record the track live in several takes using my scratch vocals. After that, the musicians are done, and I return to the studio for vocal comps on subsequent days. This involves doing several vocal takes with the music that’s been recorded. We then compare the takes and stitch together the best vocal bits to create the ultimate vocal track. After that, the sound engineer will mix the music and vocal recordings and finally master the track. At that point, it’s ready for distribution.

What do you like the best about this track?

I like the story. The singer has to figure out how to get on the mind and under the skin of a lady who initially does not seem to notice him. It’s about the courage, determination, and patience needed to find love when it is far from certain.

What has been the most memorable experience or achievement in your music career so far?

That’s hard to quantify or pin down. I look at my latest release and wonder how I came this far, particularly if I’ve done something new and interesting. That’s always an achievement until the next release is due.

Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you're particularly excited about?

I have one more single to come out in October called ‘Love Somebody.’ It’s the most ambitious song I’ve attempted thus far. It’s a gospel/funk/R&B song with an infectious groove and a rapturous theme. This will be topped off with the release of my EP - ‘Soul Safari in late October. I think that’ll be it for 2023, but you never know.





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