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Abrasive Trees On the Making Of “Abrasive Trees: Mill Session”

Can you share any interesting or unique stories or perspectives in "Abrasive Trees: Mill Session?"

We wanted to do bring our own ideas to the basic concept of playing live in the studio - essentially our DIY version of KEXP/Tiny Desk. Andy Hill, who is a journalist who works for Clash Magazine gave us some ideas to expand our original concept and then we began to assemble the small production team and booked the centuries old town mill in Totnes to film. We wanted an unusual space and with it being in the centre of our small town, it appealed.

Normally bands record in the studio, release their music and then may do a ‘live in the studio’ type of video to showcase the already released music. But with this, we just decided to release two of the songs in this video first, before going into the studio. Basically we did things the wrong way around.

How do you feel "Abrasive Trees: Mill Session" represents your artistic identity?

Pretty well. It’s a decent capture of where was are at creatively and how we work as a band. It includes an instrumental, a track with spoken word, and a song. Then, add to that Jess’s visual art and the interview - it’s a fair reflection of what we are about.

What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

Probably the moment where we changed how we play the grunge section of Star Sapphire. The new arrangement was one of those ‘moments’ from Jay that really made sense. It was nice that this happened during the recording.

Can you tell us more about you as a band?

We all live in the small town of Totnes, which has a vibrant creative scene and know each other through that community. We’d met through various connections and ended up all playing in Jo Beth Young’s band in 2018/2019.

The project started with Matt, who wrote all the songs up until recently. Gradually we have become more of a band, we are friends and work well together. We think communication is the key, it’s not always easy, but we find our way. Right now we are in a rich vein of creativity and the next step for us is to record an album.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

There are a few themes including dealing with loss, not giving up and finding inspiration.


