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Rye Catchers “Sometimes”

Smooth, luscious, sensuous and luminous, “Sometimes” is an impressive track that stirs your heart string. Charming lyricism draws listeners in without effort, jumping between vivid scenic impressions with vibrant allure. In this eclectic track from Rye Catchers, veteran music producer David McClintick teams up with Spanish singer Nekane, whose alluring vocal is all so delicious in this mix of mysterious beauty.

On the surface, “Sometimes” sets its scene in a lighthearted, uplifting groove as if a night drive in the city, with wind brushing against your cheeks, heart racing with liberation and joy. Atmospheric electric guitar meets smooth synth sonics and airy pads as the sparkly bass booms and boosts of heat. The phantom of its vocals is in the mix somehow, adding a touch of mystery to its texture. Even before the first verse kicks in, Rye Catchers has already created a groove that has listeners on the edge of their seat.

The track takes a dive into it electronic, abstract aspect in the second half, as the lyrics expand to the wonder of the universe and outer space, and so is the sonics. From there, the track keeps on expanding, like a black hole with no end and limits, it just keeps getting broader and deeper to a point that it amazes you. It’s almost an psychedelic experience, condensed in the layers and chemistry of sounds.

This great expansion provides a very unique insight into Rye Catchers’ music, which also seems to recontextualize soundscapes in the first half of the song. Maybe at first, it’s hard to look past the luscious sonics and stirring groove, but going deeper into Catchers’ soundscapes, you’ll get in touch with profound peace and calmness and the vision of an overwhelming beauty and mystic with a touch of admiration.

Catchers’ music most definitely has depth—like a universe that gradually unravels as you spend more time in his world of songs. He brings in a variety of musicians and genres, but this beautiful depth is the great constant and a mystery. Coiled in the silky appeal of pop, “Sometimes” really surprises you with its otherworldliness and spark of wonder. It’s hard not to be inspired and uplifted, which is what this single is about.