Punk Head

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Ilton “Doppelgänger”

Ilton is known for being an inventive music maker of authenticity and imagine. His eclectic roster of songs taps into diversely vivid experiences, exploring the power of a full range sonic palette. As an artist, the world of sound seems to be his canvas, in which Ilton paints the 3-D projection of ideas; a blend of abstract, impression with high resolution details. His craft naturally earns your respect and this respect only deepens the more you listen.

“Doppelgänger” comments on duplication and the lack of identity in today’s trend-seeking, meta matrix. It’s very interesting how Ilton goes into presenting this message through his music. Unlike the harsh tone, revealing lyrics that most would naturally expect, Ilton instead, projects the matrix of catchiness and repetition into every layer of his sound. Quite a poetry, when you think of it. A big sound, drop into the crowd, followed by a full ripple, but it’s still that one sound, echoing around and around.

There’s a obvious repetition that happens right before your ears in “doppelgänger,” but there also a deeper one in relation between melodies. At some point, there’s a certain deja vu in the song, like a soft, happy-sounding glitch, but very eerie. Psychotic even, to a point. Which is something that can be easily related to in our daily life. And it exists across the song, once you see it. It’s a mystery how Ilton managed to visualize these ideas and channel them into a song form, between finger-licking acid bass and 90s deep house.

Once you see all these things that happen in the sub level of his music, you can’t not admire his creativity and craft. Ilton does bring a very refreshing take on some of the most crowded genres, and he’s very good at transforming one experience to a completely different one. In the most unlikely place, you’d find him channeling psychedelic in a mind-melting, palpable way. The next song, he might be reshaping the shape you see, twisting parallel lines to unparalleled ones. There’s a lot he could achieve with sounds, beyond your imagine and definitely beyond your expectation.