Danny K “Trunks Sword”

Danny K is an artist who doesn’t need to demonstrate much to earn the respect of a room full of people. As soon as you hear his sound, you’d know he’s a badass. His attention to details, being a rapper, producer, engineer is impeccable. The artist with a few words doesn’t need lengthy songs. His music is petite in length, but well crafted. Every one of them is one of a kind. There’s no one else who could do so many things so well at once, except Danny K.

“Trunks Sword” is packed with layers of visuals and multi-dimensional sonics. As if a master painting an abstract painting with vivid colors and raw emotions, his music feels palpable, like an euphoric, dark psychedelic experience. It’s wild and unlike others.

“Trunks Sword” is Danny K’s best track yet. Trap beat stirs the air of industrial soundscapes. Flocks of flickering sounds filled up the room. The glitches and distortions come together in a darkly satisfying vision. In that dimming chaos, a low groan of a melody feels alluring, in almost a stirringly disturbing way. Even though it is suppressed by the frizziness, it has a sense of sharpness, a stare that feels unsettling and haunting.

In the middle of the track, there was a brief moment when everything comes into a clearing, into the high-resolution world. It’s like witnessing the colors becoming even more flamboyant than ever, that gradual return of blood and color feels well deserved. It also shines some light when the track submerged back into that lo-fi fizziness. It’s different, but in contrast, it says so much more without giving it all out. There’s much being protected underneath it, not being revealed, a tension, a secret, a mystery. It makes that brief moment of sunshine even more precious and unforgettable.

Danny K is definitely more of an expressionist artist than impressionist, but on “Trunks Sword,” he manages to do both. From the sound to chord to recording to production, the producer/engineer has outdone himself in his latest single.


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