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7evin7ins On the Making Of ‘My Everlasting Isolation’

What was the creative process like for this particular 'My Everlasting Isolation?'

This was truthfully the most fun I’ve ever had creating. I’ve always wanted to make a project, so to finally sit down and start from scratch was an amazing feeling. When you’re constantly releasing singles, it’s easy to feel like you’re going through the motions. In a way, it reignited my love for all of it again. I needed this.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for 'My Everlasting Isolation?'

I worked with so many incredible producers and talents who I have much respect for. From John Samuel to Chuck Olsen, I always found myself in a room where I felt my vision was trusted. Some records are very new, while others were made years ago and revisited. It wasn’t a very difficult process to make the music itself because it was with the right people.

What is your personal favorite song from 'My Everlasting Isolation' and why?

It’s tough to pick a favorite, but I had such a fun time writing “THANKS FOR THE THERAPY.” Alex Pearson is someone who I’m lucky enough to not only work with, but call a friend. He encouraged me to dig deep and write about something quite personal. We ultimately landed on what I think a lot of people can relate to which is how difficult it can be to pursue your passion. This is something I deal with on the daily as a musician, and I think that song helped heal a part of me I didn’t know existed until it was complete.

Was there a pivotal moment in your life when you decided to follow your path as a musician?

A lot of people know the story as when I got injured playing basketball I immediately decided to pursue music full time, but I think the truth is that was only the moment where I knew I needed change. The pivotal point for me was when for the first time, I had others believe in me. Chuck Olsen & Biko Manus took me under their wing as a 16 year old and changed my life forever. In the last 5 years we’ve learned a lot together and without them, I would’ve never had the courage to leave school at such a young age and pursue this.

How do you approach collaborations with other musicians or artists?

When I hear something I like, I don’t hesitate to share my opinion. I love building relationships with other good human beings and it’s always nice to naturally clique in the music world.


