Punk Head

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5 Q&A With Suspect Anarchist

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Rise Again?"

The initial spark that led to “Rise Again” was a period in which I was lifting out of depression. Mental health struggles affect everyone, and I wanted to share my experience so that others may seek help themselves.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Rise Again?"

The most memorable moment was sharing it with those closest to me, and seeing their reaction to the song. It has been a very positive reaction. I actually lost some tears the very first time I heard it after the recording because it reminded me that I have come along way in my personal journey, and we all have good days and bad days.

What do you like the best about this track?

I like that the backing music fits the lyrics perfectly.

Can you tell us more about you as an artist?

As an artist, I like to share my story and the stories of others. I also like a variety of music, and it is mostly mood based. I have a lot of influence from a lot of very different genres of music. An early influence was the artist Kitaro, his music brings images of a journey and follows a story that each listener applies to their own life experience. I seek to do the same with my music. Another inspiration is Shinedown, and the album Attention Attention, and how it portrayed the journey of overcoming addiction.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

The message through my music is that we are all on a journey through life. The album that will be released for this tells the story of my mental health struggles and how my life has changed as a result.

